Home Events Keep the Fire Burning Potluck Speakerjam

Keep the Fire Burning Potluck Speakerjam

October 19, 2024
Noon – whenever
1509 Todds Lane, Hampton VA
Hosted by Keep The Fire Burning

Come out and join us for our very first speakerjam! The homegroup will be providing hot dogs and burgers as well as coffee and water.

If you can bring a side to share, please do! If not, come anyway! It will be outside under a shelter with picnic tables, but please bring a chair if you can just in case.

There’s a fenced in playground for the little ones, so don’t let that keep you from coming and enjoying the fun! We will be having speakers throughout the day from different areas.

There will also be a few raffles! Cornhole tournament with a $2 donation, winner takes half!

All donations are welcome! Come out and join the fun! Music, fellowship and a great message of recovery! Hope to see you there!

The event is finished.


Oct 19 2024


12:00 pm


Keep the Fire Burning Group
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