Unity Day in the Park Cookout

The Tidewater Area Special Events Committee invites all surrounding Areas to participate in paying homage to those that service Narcotics Anonymous.
We are looking for 10 minutes shares from Trusted Servants Past and Present: a GSR, a Chairperson, a Secretary, a Coffee Maker, a Greeter, a Treasurer, on any Subcommittee, a Sponsor or maybe you’ve made a commitment to send the JFT to addicts everyday for years on end… We Thank You and Need You!!! Thank you for your Service!!!
Lafayette Park in Norfolk, 3500 Granby St, Norfolk, VA 23504
8/24/24 12-4pm This is a Hybrid Event: Zoom ID: 85620236447 PW: 757252
Bring a chair & Bring a dish & Bring a Newcomer!
Food, Fun, Fellowship and Raffles. Please come out and Share about the importance of Service.
Contact Elaine H for more details: 917-808-1525